Does my air conditioner need replacing or repairing?

If your air conditioner is not capable of being repaired then it is an easy decision to replace it. But what about when it is capable of being repaired? Should you repair your old air conditioner or should you get a new one?

With ever increasing energy bills, are you wondering whether your air conditioning is a significant contributor. Will a new air conditioner dramatically reduce your energy costs making a replacement worthwhile?

Common signs that your air conditioner might need repairing?

Unusual noises coming from air conditioner

When they are working properly air conditioning systems normally don’t make much noise at all – other than from the movement of air.

If your air conditioner is making loud noises or strange sounds than this is not normal behavior.

Your best course of action is to turn off your air conditioning unit – as to continue running it is to risk further damage.

Weak airflow

When it is working properly your air conditioner should have consistent air flow. If the air flow coming from your air conditioner is inconsistent, weak, low or non existent then there is a problem with the indoor unit of your air conditioner.

Air coming from the air conditioner is not cool / hot

If you have good air flow, but the air coming out of your air conditioner is room temperature (ambient air) then this means the refrigeration circuit in your air condition has not been called or is not working. This is an obvious sign of the need for a repair to your air conditioning unit.

Water leaking from air conditioner

When there is water coming from the indoor part of your air conditioning unit, that is a problem. When there is water coming out of the indoor unit of your air conditioner then is not normal behavior and points to a maintenance issue or breakage in the air conditioning unit.

Unpleasant odour

An air conditioning system that is maintained properly should not emit any strange smells. Strange smells normally indicate a build up of dirt, mould or mildew. These things could be impacting your indoor air quality. These are all things that can be addressed – so you should not ignore any strange smells coming out of your air conditioning unit.

Inconsistent air temperatures

If your air conditioner is sometimes cooling and sometimes not, then it is probably malfunctioning. Generally with an air conditioning unit that is working properly the room / area it is servicing should have relatively consistent air temperature. Normally the temperature in the room / area being conditioned will have a relatively consistent temperature around the desired temperature – normally within a degree or two.

Sudden spike in energy costs

Even if your air conditioner appears to be working, if you notice a sudden spike in your energy bill – this is an indication there may be a problem with your air conditioner. Either it is not able to cool efficiently to achieve the required temperature settings or its control circuitry / logic is not working.

Need to repair your air conditioner?

Want to repair your air conditioner? Check out our air conditioning repair services.

Signs that it may be time to replace your air conditioner

Age of the air conditioning unit

Old Air Conditioner

If your air conditioner is reaching its expected life span then you should consider this when determining whether to replace your air conditioner.

Expected useful lives of air conditioners under average operating conditions would be:

  • Split system air conditioner – 10-15 years
  • Ducted System – 15-20 years

Factors that would negatively impact that expected useful life

  • Operating environment : a harsh operating environment could reduce the epxected life of your air conditioning unit. For example:
    • Coastal environments – high levels of corrosion
    • Extreme temperatures / humidity – will mean the system has to work harder to achieve your desired air conditioning temperatures
    • Dusty environments – will increase maintenance needs, reduce life of filters, increase liklihood of mould etc.

Frequent repairs

If you are having to frequently repair your air conditioner then at some point it may make sense to bite the bullet and replace your air conditioner with a new air conditioner.

Decreased efficiency

Your air conditioner is a mechanical system, and like all mechanical systems it wears out and becomes less energy efficient over time. The cooling output you will get out of old air conditioner vs a new air conditioner of exactly the same design will be less – due to mechanical degradation of the system.

Outdated technology

An old air conditioning unit will not have the same design efficiency as a new air conditioner. Generally speaking a new air conditioning unit will be more energy efficient than older systems of the same size – leading to reduced energy bills for the same amount of cooling.

Environmental impact

Air Conditioning has a negative impact on the environment in three ways:

  • Energy consumption : to the extent the energy consumed to run your air conditioner is derived from a green house gas producing power source it is contributing to green house gases
  • Refrigerant – Co2 impact : if refrigerant leaks from your air conditioner, depending on which refrigerant it is, may have a Co2 impact the same as driving a car for six months. Newer refrigerants have much lower greenhouse potential than older ones
  • Refrigerant – Ozone impact : some older refrigerants contain Hydro Fluro Carbons (HFC’s). These HFC’s are ozone depleting. Many newer refrigerants do not contain HFC’s.

Want to replace your air conditioner? Check out our air conditioning installation services.

Repair vs replace – what factors should I consider?

Cost of repairing vs replacing your air conditioner

An easy place to start when making a decision as to whether or not to repair or replace your air conditioner is the repair cost vs the cost of a new system. If the repair cost is getting close to the installed cost of a new system then we would always recommend replacing an older air conditioner.

Energy efficiency

Modern air conditioners are almost always more energy efficient than an older air conditioning unit. You can compare energy efficiency of air conditioners by looking at the following:

  • Star Ratings
  • EER / COP

You can find these ratings on the Australian Government Energy Rating website.

Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency Rating

Warranty considerations

All new air conditioning units come with at least a 5 year warranty, a few up to 7 years. So one of the advantages an air conditioner replacement is that our new system will have a new warranty.

Air Conditioner Warranty

Risk of repairs being unsuccessful

There are three main areas where inital repairs of air conditioners run the risk of being unsuccesful

  • Electronic components – failed electronic components can often mask other faults with a system until repaired
  • Refrigerant leaks – if the leak is due to corrosion in a system, especially in an outdoor unit coil, then there is a higher likelihood of another leak in the same coil, unless it is replaced.
  • Unknow compressor failure – mechanical failure of a compressor cannot be determined until it attempts to run

Age and Size of my old air conditioner

We have a general rule of thumb when considering a repair vs air conditioner replacement for a High Wall Split system – if the system is 3.5kw or smaller and out of warranty (generally 5 years after install) then we would normally recommend replacement rather than repair.

For ducted systems or larger high wall splits we would do the following:

  • determine overall condition of system
  • determine repair cost
  • determine replacement cost

If the repair costs approach the cost of a new ac unit OR the existing ac unit is in poor condition then we would seriously consider replacement.

What are the benefits of repairing my air conditioner?

Up front cost savings

Sometimes, as long as it not a major repair, then a repair, even of older air conditioners, may not be that expensive.

Even if your air conditioner is old, if it can be cheaply repaired (and is in otherwise good condition), then we would normally recommend running to failure – as it may last for many more years to come

Less downtime

If parts are generic or readily than a repair may be able to be effected quickly when compared to a replacement air conditioner.

What are the benefits of replacing my air conditioner?

Long term cost savings through energy efficiency

If it is time to replace your air conditioner you will increased energy efficiency from your new system. How much that will save you in the long run is a function of the efficiency of your current system vs a new one.

Improved air quality

Some new air conditioning units have improved air quality when compared to other systems. A replacement air conditioner like a Daikin Alira X (Streamer Technology) have features which purify the air in addition to providing you with cold air.

Air Conditioner - Air Purification - Daikin Streamer Technology

Reliable cooling

A new air conditioner should give you many years of trouble free air conditoning.

New warranty

Your new system will have a new factory warranty – covering both parts and labour – for any repairs during the warranty period.

How can Sun City Air Conditioning help me decide?

Sun City has repaired and replaced many tens of thousands of air conditioners. We have field staff who can diagnose the problems with your existing system and office staff who can advise you of the pros and cons of repair vs replacement.

Learn more about common issues people have with air conditioners

If your air conditioner isn’t working as well as it should and you’re unsure why, several factors could be to blame. Based on our experience, these are the most common causes:

What are most air conditioner breakdowns caused by?

Air conditioners can stop working for various reasons, but most failures come down to a few common issues. Blocked air filters, refrigerant leaks, and electrical faults are some of the biggest culprits, often reducing efficiency or leading to a complete breakdown. Here are the most frequent causes of AC malfunctions.

Your air conditioner could be malfunctioning for several reasons, and our first step in any repair is conducting a thorough inspection to identify the problem.